
Here are some of my current and past projects.

RPI Ambulance Website

Maintained and updated, a website integral to EMS operations. The website is built with Angular, and uses PHP and MySQL for server communication and the database. Also used Docker and Github for development and version control.

911 Incident Data Parser

Hired to create a Java application to parse over 7,000 pages worth of 911 incident data from Rensselaer County, NY. The program has been used in efforts to analyze and improve the system for emergency medical responses in the county.

Independently Moving Object Detector

Used OpenCV and PyTorch to build and train a fully convolutional neural network used to detect objects and perform instance sgementation on images taken from both stationary and moving cameras with greater than 90% accuracy.

Encrypted Messaging App

Used ASP.NET and the SignalR library to create a real-time encrypted chat app, using end-to-end hybrid symmetric/assymetric encryption to keep messaging secure. Deployed to Azure App Service using .NET Identity to manage user access.